Total WAN failure using latest refresh1 firmware

For 2 consecutive days I've had to reboot XG to regain WAN connectivity even though both my WAN links were up. I'm using the latest refresh1 firmware. I have one PPPoE and one Static interface.

I couldn't see anything in the logs to indicate a problem but a reboot fixed on both occasions.


Steps tried:-

1. In diagnostics ran ping tests on both WAN interfaces

2. Disconnecting and reconnecting the PPPoE interface

3. Connected to upstream static interface (WAN side) to prove connection was up and working.


I've never had this problem before using pre Refresh1 firmware.


Any ideas?

Parents Reply
  • Hi Ian, I lose access to both my WAN interfaces. I can no longer ping the static interface even though its up. The PPPoE is terminated on the XG so I cant test that properly even though the control panel says its up. Earlier comments on this thread suggest the WAN routing completely fails which seems to match the issues I'm having. The next time it happens I'll update one or even both of my WAN interfaces to see if this restores connectivity. Really though this needs sorting by Sophos with some priority.

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