Compatibility CAA - Mac Catalina - bug

Installing Sophos Client Authentication agent on Mac Catalina, the client is not usable as the "server is not trustworthy"

I am not able to add the certificate der file inside shared folder.

CAA version is 2.0.0, downloaded from XG v18 Client Authentication menu



Parents Reply
  • And I thank you for your support while investigating the issues.

    The latest macOS client 2.1.0 is published and publicly available.


    It is still not possible to drag-and-drop the certificate using the CAA installer, we have an opened ticket targeting this issue. Due to some restructuring, the resolution to it will probably be delayed.

    As a workaround, Finder (without or together with the CAA installer) can be used to put the certificate into the Shared folder. A KB should follow sometime soon.


    In case the new App cannot be opened because of the Gatekeeper error "...can't check for Malware", don't worry, we are in the process to notarize the App. Until this comes into effect, right-click on the App icon and click "Open" so that the quarantine flag of CAA is cleared. This needs to be done only once, from there on the App can be launched normally.
