Compatibility CAA - Mac Catalina - bug

Installing Sophos Client Authentication agent on Mac Catalina, the client is not usable as the "server is not trustworthy"

I am not able to add the certificate der file inside shared folder.

CAA version is 2.0.0, downloaded from XG v18 Client Authentication menu



Parents Reply
  • So that we are all on the same page: there are 2 issues happening at the moment. 

    1. The CAA installer on macOS Catalina does not work, because the certificate cannot be drag-and-dropped inside the Shared folder. As a workaround, one can use Finder to manually copy the .der file into Shared folder.

    2. Some macOS and XG setup combinations have a trust issue, meaning the user will see an error message "Server is not trustworthy!" after which the CAA terminates.


    As of now, Catalina works with v17.5 and v17.5.9, but does not work with v18. Therefore I assume you are having issue no.1 and not 2. Is this correct or are you referring to no. 2 ?

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