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How do I boot to previous firmware with Putty?

Hi All,


I 'upgraded' to firmware version 17 MR2 from 17 MR1.


Since the 'upgrade' I cannot access the web UI - I get a blank page with "Internal Server Error" in the top right corner in response to login submission.


I do not have easy access to connect a terminal cable but I can get access through Putty.


Is there a way to remove the MR2 or boot to MR1 using a connection with Putty?



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  • When you ssh in to the firewall, go into Device Management, then Show Firmware(s). Make a note of the firmware numbers and the current firmware in use.

    Then go into Advanced Shell and type the following:

    rebootfw -f <n>

    where <n> is the firmware number not in use.

    That is, if Firmware 1 is the current firmware, then <n> is 2, and vice versa.

  • When i try this for an HA unit that has unbound and disabled HA due to a failed firmware update, the Putty terminal connection reports "broken pipe" , never actually completes rebootfw -f 2

    The firmware appears to be in the list of applied firmware son the secondary unit, but i cant access the secondary any other way by SSH over the HA IP address, because the failed update disabled and unbound all the other interfaces except for the HA / DMZ Port3 on this XG105.

    The firmware i am trying to get it up to is the one on the primary unit which is 17.5.8 MR-8, the secondary unit is stuck 17.5.0 GA.

    Any thoughts on how to make the rebootfw -f 2 actually proceed on the secondary unit?




  • When i try this for an HA unit that has unbound and disabled HA due to a failed firmware update, the Putty terminal connection reports "broken pipe" , never actually completes rebootfw -f 2

    The firmware appears to be in the list of applied firmware son the secondary unit, but i cant access the secondary any other way by SSH over the HA IP address, because the failed update disabled and unbound all the other interfaces except for the HA / DMZ Port3 on this XG105.

    The firmware i am trying to get it up to is the one on the primary unit which is 17.5.8 MR-8, the secondary unit is stuck 17.5.0 GA.

    Any thoughts on how to make the rebootfw -f 2 actually proceed on the secondary unit?




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