Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Windows 10 Updates killing the network

I came across a post today and it mirrors my own experience with Windows 10 updates.

A single new Surface Pro killed our internet connection.

Whirlpool post

My original question

Would love to know how to mitigate this.

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  • Hi,

    Windows 10 does not use BITS any more for downloading updates.

    In the Sophos XG this traffic is categorized as Http download, zip download, Multi Thread File Transfer.

    Limiting the traffic with these categories is not unique enough.

    The best temporary solution is limiting the traffic by IP address until Microsoft has an GPO for limiting the bandwidth.

  • I've tried EVERYTHING! This only seems to happen on W10 machines attempting to do updates. It just stays downloading FOR HOURS upon HOURS! I found out the hard way by upgrading 10 laptops. Not until I unplugged them from the network do they stop chewing from Windows update. So I removed the Sophos XG as my edge...Guess what...All the problems went away. So I thought I would give it another go on a different WAN other than production and the same issue exist for Windows 10 updates.

    FYI...The Sophos XG is a brand new appliance...There is one Allow All outbound rule and that's it. The same thing applies for a SOPHOS XG SOHO Appliance on MR3.
