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Has anyone got snmp monitoring working?

I'm using PRTG to do SNMP monitoring of various bits of kit but when I set it off to discover my XG firewall, it only creates two sensors, ping and DNS. What MIBs does XG support? Surely it must support MIB-2 so I can get some interface stats?

I have enabled SNMP and added a public community string. Anyone else got this working? I haven't done an SNMP walk yet, thought I would ask here first.

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  • Hi Jason,

    Official MIB is not prioritized as changing the name from Cyberoam to Sophos in the existing MIB file is completely sufficient. I am attaching an unofficial MIB file with the necessary changes.



    Sachin Gurung
    Team Lead | Sophos Technical Support
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  • Thanks for this. I got some basic monitoring working.

  • Running snmpwalk gave me some errors:


    Unlinked OID in SFOS-MIB: sysAlerts ::= { sfosSystem 4 }
    Undefined identifier: sfosSystem near line 116 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/SFOS-MIB.txt
    Unlinked OID in SFOS-MIB: sysLicense ::= { sfosSystem 3 }
    Undefined identifier: sfosSystem near line 115 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/SFOS-MIB.txt
    Unlinked OID in SFOS-MIB: sysStatus ::= { sfosSystem 2 }
    Undefined identifier: sfosSystem near line 114 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/SFOS-MIB.txt
    Unlinked OID in SFOS-MIB: sysInstall ::= { sfosSystem 1 }
    Undefined identifier: sfosSystem near line 113 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/SFOS-MIB.txt
    Cannot adopt OID in SFOS-MIB: appExpiryDate ::= { liAppliance 2 }
    Cannot adopt OID in SFOS-MIB: appRegStatus ::= { liAppliance 1 }
    Cannot adopt OID in SFOS-MIB: serviceStats ::= { sysStatus 11 }
    Cannot adopt OID in SFOS-MIB: mailHits ::= { sysStatus 10 }

    Comparing it with an old cyberoam mib i am already using I saw a difference in both at line 111:

    In cyberoam:

    -- cyberoam
    crSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cyberoam 1 }

    In SOPHOS:

    -- SFOS

     sfosSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { SFOS 1 }

    there was a space in the beginning of the line sfosSystem ....

    Removing it solved the problem, but others apeared like:


    applianceKey.0 = STRING:
    applianceModel.0 = STRING: XG105_XN02
    SFOSVersion.0 = STRING: SFOS 16.05.3 MR-3
    webcatVersion.0 = STRING:
    avVersion.0 = STRING:
    asVersion.0 = STRING: 0
    idpVersion.0 = STRING: 3.13.56
    SFOSOpMode.0 = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): Hex-STRING: 07 E1 05 12 0F 3A 1C
    systemDate.1.0 = Wrong Type (should be OCTET STRING): INTEGER: 5
    cpuPercentUsage.0 = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): Gauge32: 47692
    cpuStatus.2.0 = Gauge32: 10
    diskCapacity.0 = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Gauge32: 1923
    diskPercentUsage.0 = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Gauge32: 81
    diskStatus.3.0 = Gauge32: 1922
    diskStatus.4.0 = Gauge32: 14
    memoryStatus.0 = INTEGER: 0
    haMode.0 = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): Gauge32: 0
    liveUsers.0 = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 46606
    httpHits.0 = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 0
    ftpHits.1.0 = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 0
    ftpHits.2.0 = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 0
    ftpHits.3.0 = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 0
    pop3Hits.0 = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): INTEGER: 4
    imapHits.0 = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): INTEGER: 4
    smtpHits.0 = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): INTEGER: 4
    mailHits.4.0 = INTEGER: 4
    mailHits.5.0 = INTEGER: 4


    Playing around with the MIB I was able to fix them, returning all clean with no errors  I guess :-)


    I think it can be cleaned up more....

    Attaching the MIB modified:

    EDIT: The file was buggy , re-uploaded it with more fixes...


    Hope it can help someone....

  • Thanks Fernando for doing alot of legwork on this. I tried to import this into PRTG and run it through a couple of online mib checkers and discover a syntax error with "rebadged" Sophos changes. It appears the OBJECT-IDENTITY needs to in camelBack style like so

    STATUS current
    ::= { sophos 2 } 

    To Sophos, Monitoring of firewalls is very important beyond your own tools. Continual compatibility with industry practices is paramount to large customers buying your kit. We all have existing FCAPS systems and your kit needs to work with it otherwise we will go else where. While we're talking about FCAPS, the more you move to flat config file(s) the easier life gets for customers with existing FCAPS systems and processes.

    I wonder also if Sophos should be using there own OID rather than Cyberoams or at least update the IANA details.

    Attaching an update to Fernando's version.8244.SFOS-MIB.txt

  • Hi Peter, continuing my effort with the MIB, I have found another problem at haService.

    The command:

    snmpget -v2c -c public XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX haService

    In firewalls WITHOUT HA it was returning running(1) status, and in HA pair was returning (4), an unknown state because in HaModeType we have:

    STATUS current
    DESCRIPTION "enumerated type for HA Modes"
    standalone ( 1 ),
    active-passive ( 2 ),
    active-active ( 3 )

    Just three options, so decided to look at CYBEROAM MIB and guess what?

    It has 7 options:

    ServiceStatsType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS current
    DESCRIPTION "enumerated type for service status"
    untouched ( 1 ),
    stopped ( 2 ),
    initializing ( 3 ),
    running ( 4 ),
    exiting ( 5 ),
    dead ( 6 ),
    unregistered ( 7 )

    And they make much more sense because (1) is untouched and (4) is running, so I update my SFOS.MIB....

    This way in the firewalls without HA now appears  untouched(1) and in at the HA pair now appears running(4)