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Change SSL VPN Port

Is it possible to change the SSL VPN Port for Remote Access??

... and for the User Portal, too?

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Parents Reply
  • Hello.


    Yes I moved the user portal from 443 to 444 when I tried it, and I have just tried again now with no luck

    I get the red pop up box saying "The selected Port is already used by another service. Please choose a different Port."





  • Also tried, you can not use 443 tcp or udp for vpn ssl and/or user portal since you activate a waf with https rule (and the contrary)

    should be great if sophos let choice on which port/public ip vpn ssl and user portal listen as it could be possible to have waf on one port/ip AND ssl vpn on an other port/ip.

    but it's not the case..

  • Hello,


    I can use 443 for WAF and User Portal, this is my normal configuration.  I assume this is because WAF is only available on WAN IP And User Portal from various local interfaces.


    As SSL VPN can use all interfaces, I assume this has an effect on why it cannot be enabled.   On that note, I have just disabled SSL VPN from ALL interfaces and tried again, but still an error.