Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Change SSL VPN Port

Is it possible to change the SSL VPN Port for Remote Access??

... and for the User Portal, too?

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  • Hi All,

    Please cast your vote on this feature request here. 


    Sachin Gurung
    Team Lead | Sophos Technical Support
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    this is one of the biggest missing feature that at the moment XG is lacking. This comes from the missing service binding to single IP and not Zone.

    At the moment in Sophos you have to options:

    • replace the binding zone option to single IP
    • Remove the device access and manage XG services using Firewall rules and WAF, so we can use 443 for VPN, User Portal and Web Sites on the same IP

    I personally prefer the method 2, but we need groups like on UTM9, where you can create Filter on Firewall and filter per group defined by users, created automatically, etc....

    Binding option can be problematic on medium to big installation where customers use WAF for many websites.

    Please make sure that this feature is pushed and avaiable as soon as possible. I cannot move some UTM9 installation because primary of this (and other missing features).

    As always thanks for your time and support, Sachin.


  • well ok...

    but it won't be possible to modify the preconfigured port for the exe download form user portal ?!

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