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Webfilter debian deb repositories "Malware 'Unscannable"

We're having some strange issues currently only reported for debian repositories.

When trying to download random files from there with browser or wget - the requests randomly seem to time out and / or users get a STOP message from the firewall.

Sometimes it works to download directly, sometimes it requires several attempts, sometimes it's not working at all.

I know I can put web exceptions for the repository but first I'd like to know what is causing the problems.

The issue is known for several weeks and not a result of latest patterns.

messageid="08001" message="Malware 'Unscannable' was detected and blocked in a download from" log_type="Anti-Virus" log_component="HTTP" log_subtype="Virus" fw_rule_id="38" fw_rule_name="xxxxxx" fw_rule_section="Local rule" user="xxxxxxx" web_policy_id="5" virus="Unscannable" url="">" domain="" src_ip="xxxxxxxx" src_country="R1" dst_ip="" dst_country="DEU" protocol="TCP" src_port="64458" dst_port="80" bytes_sent="490" bytes_received="18544668" user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0" status_code="403" web_policy="xxxxxx"

Error: Failed to fetch Error reading from server - read (104: Connection reset by peer) [IP: 80]

> The requested content could not be scanned for malware. It may be corrupted or encrypted.

Added TAGs
[edited by: Raphael Alganes at 3:49 PM (GMT -7) on 4 Jun 2024]
  • Hello,
    The first errors could be caused by problems with certificate handling:
    "Dieser Server konnte nicht beweisen, dass er ist. Sein Sicherheitszertifikat stammt von Mögliche Gründe sind eine fehlerhafte Konfiguration oder ein Angreifer, der deine Verbindung abfängt."
    The message "Malware 'Unscannable'" usually means that encrypted files / code components are being transferred that the firewall cannot examine.
    There are also tracking pixels that trigger this.
    Strange if this doesn't happen when using another mirror.
    Sandboxing also leads to download errors for us, which no longer exist 20 minutes later.


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • Hi Dirk, good point - the certificate mismatch could be part of the root cause here.

    Though the links are http - I can see some of them as https links in the firewall logs.

    that's my entry URL

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