Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

Wifi Router internet goes down if a AD user tries to access internet via a WIFI router whose IP address is added to the Firewall rule allowed list

Hi Sophos community,

I'm having a issue for my Wireless router. I have created two rules:

1. Rule 1 for AD users to WAN

In the above rule internet is allowed once user is authenticated via AD. Everything is working fine.

2. Rule 2 for Wifi router to WAN

In the above rule I have assigned an LAN IP address to a router WAN interface and have added that IP address in the Sophos source IP list i.e setting destination networks any any. On the router LAN interface IP address is and is running a DHCP  service range 

When a non AD user connect to this Wi-Fi router he connects perfectly and internet start working on the that Wi-Fi device. Problem comes when a AD user tries to connect that Wi-Fi router to access internet, he stucks on the authentication and whole internet on the router goes down.

That AD user is also already added in the Rule 1 for AD users to WAN. What can be the possible issue? My goal is if a AD or non AD user connects to that Wi-Fi router it should connect perfectly and internet should work on it and when the AD user connects with local LAN it should be authenticated via Rule 1.

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[edited by: Raphael Alganes at 12:30 PM (GMT -7) on 22 May 2024]