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Firewall in MTA mode not sending out mails


I delete the MTA SMTP default rule, cause it seems to do to much. How is this rule used?

How do I get it back? MTA Switch to Legacy and back? Config stays at it is?

Thanks Sven

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  • Hi Sven,

    Thank you for reaching out to Sophos Community.

    Have you tried to use any how-to videos, documentation, Sophos Assistant, or KBA to try to check the issue?

    Can I inquire what firmware version you’re using?

    The firewall rule is created automatically to allow SMTP/SMTPS traffic, which is vital for handling email communications for incoming and outgoing traffic.

    Upon Simulation, Switching back to Legacy mode and then to MTA will restore the MTA SMTP default rule.

    For additional reference to the Rule. I've attached it below 

    FW Rule

    NAT Rule

    Erick Jan
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
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  • Hello,

    there is no documentation, that this SMTP rules is essential for SMTP proxy MTA traffic and must stay in the fireall rule list with its id#, because it is hidden linked to the MTA  Proxy. This hidden link is not obvious.

    Admin has to  secure this rule and limit it to its needs.

    When you delete rule MTA proxy seems to act as transparent proxy, when there is a rule allowing SMTP outgoing for a device. The mails are intercepted by MTA proxy and then could not be send, because linked firewall rules is missing.

    When addinf the linked firewall rule again and link it with the mta firewall id script it is working again.

    I think this rule should be marked as special rule and is not deletable.


  • Hello Sven,

    I do not agree with you. There is a description in both the firewall rule and the linked NAT rule.

    The Firewall rule description says: "This rule was added automatically by SFOS MTA. However you could edit this policy based on network requirement."

    In the linked NAT rule the description tells you: This rule was added automatically by SFOS MTA.

    I am glad, that these rules are not "hidden" in any way, rather they are adjustable to special needs.

    Mit freundlichem Gruß, best regards from Germany,

    Philipp Rusch

    New Vision GmbH, Germany
    Sophos Silver-Partner

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  • Helo Phillipp,

    yes but it is changeable, and the information is gone. Documentation is not saying anything about the behaivour and linking to mta.

    When deleting rule, which is said not problem here in the forum, it is getting worse.

    The Rule should  have an explicited link to Mail proxy shown, must be not deleteable.


  • I agree, had a similar issue with it.

  • Not agree:

    Why deleting rules, when you (obviously) not know what that rule is for or what it does? 

    Sorry, but now it's the fault of Sophos or the forum community?! Be happy you have been helped here and don't blame other!

  • What do you want to say? The major Problem is an autoadded rule, opening the firewall for smtp.

    I just like to see some more documentaion about the this rule, as it seems to be sticked hidden to the MTA Proxy.

    Now I no it, but others might need the information, too.

    Just stick with the rule, as first rule for smtp and change it to a secure one directly after setting up mail proxy.


  • Believe or not: there is no hídden "LINK" as you repeat here for many posts now. This rule is added when setting up MTA mode, it is clear to see, what it does: it opens ports for the MTA-services. That's what a firewall rule is for. There is no other magic behind it.

    Why should a daemon ON the firewall use other rules than firewall and/or NAT rules?

    You overcomplicate things here!

    Mit freundlichem Gruß, best regards from Germany,

    Philipp Rusch

    New Vision GmbH, Germany
    Sophos Silver-Partner

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  • Let me clarify something here. 

    The MTA Service in fact utilize the MTA Rule and use it to allow "itself". Which means, if the rule is deleted, the MTA Service gets blocked from the firewall. The reasoning is: To prevent Spoofing, faulty MTAs and Blacklisting of customers, Sophos made the call to say: If you enable a Rule, the rule indicates that the firewall can and will use SMTP Port 25 communication. If you delete the rule, it will stop to communicate* on port 25. 

    The firewall rule is "allowing and NATing" the SMTP Traffic. 

    As stated in the firewall rule: 

    It will act as an transparent MTA as well. But you could restrict that from happening by changing the zones or removing it. 

    What you can do: In fact you can disable this rule, which still attaches the NAT to the MTA. This means the firewall knows the NAT and allows the traffic and you dont get blacklisted. 

    So long story short: The MTA is the only service on the firewall, which needs a FW + NAT Rule to work but it will be auto generated per default. This is simply to protect the admin from doing a wrong configuration in the first place. 

    *(After a reboot). 


  • Thanks for clarifying this.

    Mit freundlichem Gruß, best regards from Germany,

    Philipp Rusch

    New Vision GmbH, Germany
    Sophos Silver-Partner

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