Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Sophos XGS v19.5 IPsec Remote Access fallback - 2 WAN IPs


we are using the IPsec Remote Access as our home office solution. We have 2 ISP-connections connected to 2 seperate inferfaces on our Sophos XGS 3100 . Once i configured the IPsec profile and policy I stuttered that there is no option to select mutliple WAN IPs nor interfaces to create a fallback in case one of our 2 connections is down (e.g. ISP1 has issues). When i looked it up i found quite many community discussions regarding this problem.

This is an essential feature seemingly still missing (or i am missing something). I found several answers asking the customers to do feature requests towards Sophos for this. What happened to this? Has it ever been implemented or adressed in any way?

Further: is there any practicable way to realize this? Of course i saw ways using the provisioning file and creating 2 IPsec profiles (.scx) on the XGS. But in these cases i would still have to switch the interfaces manually in case of any downtime on one of the WAN-connections in order to establish the VPN connection (as far as i understood all the discussions).

So please let us talk about this again or refer to something i am severely missing here.

Thanks a lot. Slight smile

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