Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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DNS Host Entry SSL VPN DFS Sharing Problem


I have 3 DCs for domain in my network.

111.local PDC ADC ADC is a SOPHOS LAN interface ip address

Under the DNS host entry, I entered these fields with the DC server ip addresses. (Network -> DNS -> DNS host entry

I have enabled DNS checkbox in Administration-> Device access -> Local service ACL

In addition to all these settings, I 
In Remote access VPN -> SSL VPN -> SSL VPN Global Settings->IPv4 DNS section,
I entered the IPv4 DNS address in the SSL VPN settings as the sophos LAN interface ip address

There is windows DFS file sharing structure in 111.local network, 

When SSL VPN connection is established, I can resolve the 111.local domain name through the client side.
\\ (DFS1)
\\ (DFS2)
\\ (DFS3)
When I connect as above, I can access shares on DFS nodes.

However, SSL VPN users need to access the DFS share as \\111.local\FileSahre.

Is it normal that the user on the SSL VPN side resolves DNS correctly, can reach DC servers with the 111.local domain name, but does not access the DFS share as \\111.local\FileShare or is there something I forgot somewhere?

In addition, when I enter the first DNS as and the second DNS as in the IPV4 DNS setting in the Remote access VPN -> SSL VPN -> SSL VPN Global Settings->IPv4 DNS section, the user on the SSL VPN side can access the DFS share as \\111.local\FileShare.

What could be the reason why the structure does not work as DNS Host Entry?

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