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XGS logfiles unavailable with WinSCP?

I have used WinSCP with my XG firewall to read the logfiles because I'm not a linux propeller-head guru. Now I'm having an odd WAN dhcp problem on my new XGS firewall, when I go to the logs up pops a dialog box saying /logs/tslog is empty. What's up with that? Have the logfiles moved?

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  • Interesting, my XG210 (SFOS 19.5.1 MR-1-Build278) definitely lets me go directly to the logs. I don't remember ever doing anything that might have changed the permissions structure. Should I ask support to help get the XG back to normal behavior?

  • Interesting, my XG210 (SFOS 19.5.1 MR-1-Build278) definitely lets me go directly to the logs. I don't remember ever doing anything that might have changed the permissions structure. Should I ask support to help get the XG back to normal behavior?
