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Modification of the interface MTU

Hi all!

Quick question regarding XGS 126: MTU is a property of the physical interface. If I want to reduce the MTU for a VLAN I have to do it on the physical interface.

By adjusting MTU value I seem to lose the VLAN interface and the associated dependencies e.g. firewall rules.

Is there a way to prevent this?

Thank you for your input! nk

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Parents Reply
  • Hi Vivek!

    The MSS adjustment solves the problem only for TCP connections. I will propose this to the customer but I don't expect him to agree to the solution.

    Background: It is a network in an industrial facility where the PRP protocol is used. There is a valid network layout in which connections to "single attached nodes" are established. When using PRP the packet is lengthened by a 6Byte trailer by a PRP switch. Neither the endpoints nor the firewall are involved. Packets with max payload can therefore exceed the MTU of the recipient. The requirement is that at least routed connections can be established without interface configuration at the endpoints. This should be transport layer independent.
