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Sophos XG 230 Admin and user setting

we have a problem, the problem is after we did a firmware update from 17.5.9 MR-9 to 18.0.6 and now it's on firmware 18.5.4 MR-4, to access "Admin and user settings -> admin console and end -User interaction ". before we updated the firmware (17.5.9) for sophos access it still uses ip "Use the IP address of the first internal interface", after the firmware update process is complete, access to sophos can no longer use that ip, but uses ip on interface/port 6: .. after we check "The IP Address does not match the selected certificate"

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Parents Reply
  • Sorry for the late response,

    The topology looks like this


    So there are three interfaces on Sophos:
    BR_23 (Port2/3) -
    GuestAP -
    LAN Port6 -

    There are no NAT translations on the ASA pointing to the Sophos's interface IP, because 17.5 worked with the 85.4.
    There are no settings changed on the ASA prior to the update.

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