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IPSec VPN to Draytek do not reconnect randomly


I have XGS-126 as IPSec VPN client, calling Draytek router as VPN server. I also tried to reverse sides, but the problem remains the same.

From time to time, very randomly, it might be once every 2-3 weeks, or even so frequently like 4 times in 1 hour, VPN tunnel drops and does not re-establish connection. Sometimes manually clicking the red VPN dot establishes connection, but sometimes not.

Sophos LOGS are not helping me to diagnose, just a lot of:

IKE message retransmission to <Draytek IP> timed out. Check if the remote gateway is reachable.

I have VPN Profile settings just mirrored, what's on Draytek side:

  • IKE Phase 1, Re-key connection = ON
  • DPD = ON
  • DPD check every: 60 seconds
  • DPD When Peer Unreachable = Re-initiate
  • Dos Protection = OFF
  • DoS & Spoof exceptions added for both IPs as source and destination

When there was Draytek - Draytek VPN, on the same lines, VPN was rock-stable, never ever had problems.

Ideas welcome.

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    With extensive help from  (thank you very much!) we came to conclusion, that VPN tunnel between Sophos and Draytek is only problematic, when Sophos is initiating connection to Draytek. So we reversed the direction of VPN tunnel, but still there were problems with dropouts. Indded tunnel dropped down every 30 minutes or so, but if Draytek was initiator, it came back every time. It was a workaround.

    Then I investigated Draytek Firmware and found out, that just recently Draytek found some IPSec Phase 1 and 2 incosistencies and they published new Firmware. With this new firmware on Draytek, VPN tunnel did not drop down anymore, and after either side rebooting or loosing connectivity, it re-initiated successfuly. 

    I suspect Draytek had an issue with dropping VPN tunnel in such a way, that only another Draytek was able to re-initiate, but Sophos did not. But as told, after Draytek firmware update, this seems is not an issue anymore.

  • Hi, wich settings do you have on the Draytek? i have the same Issue and Updatet the Draytek but its not working.

  • Hi,

    I have these settings in DRAYTEK, see below.

    But connection between SOPHOS and DRAYTEK is still dropping every few hours, while DRAYTEK-to-DRAYTEK is up for more than 400 hours now. On all sites. But despite of falling down, now SOPHOS at least reconnects back automatically, which it was not the case before DRAYTEK update (it dropped and never came back).

    SITE 1, top one is DRAYTEK-to-DRAYTEK, 2nd one is DRYTEK-to-SOPHOS (dropping at least once per day)

    SITE 1, same situation. See, uptime is not the same for DRAYTEK-to-SOPHOS, which means, this has nothing to do with possible internet issues. Also, according to PING graphs, only VPN drops, while internet is up all the time on all sides.

    This is IPSec VPN on one of DRAYTEKS, connecting to SOPHOS:

  • thanks. i have only another DH Group in my config. But on my Site its dropping every 40 minuts with 3 other drayteks. With draytek Support i have changed the mss over cmd. but its not better.

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