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Problem with subscription XGS136 urgent

Last Thursday I installed a new XGS136 to replace the previous XG135. As far as I could tell, everything went without a hitch. Unfortunately, something is not working properly with the licensing. I can't get a subscription activated.

We use Xstream Protection bundle with email protection and web server protection. Our location is Germany. The firmware used is SFOS 19.0.0 GA-Build317.

The registration went smoothly and adding the licences did not cause any errors. Unfortunately, the subscriptions could not be set to active via synchronisation.
The device is displayed correctly in the "mySophos" portal but the licences are all set to "pending". This status did not change even after one day. I opened a ticket with the dealer. He said that Sophos can see the licences as activated. However, if I click on "synchronise", the firewall reports a successful connection to the server but the licences are not activated.

I also noticed the following. When I log on to mySophos, I end up on a German-language server and the licences are marked as "pending". If I click on the firewall under System -> Administration -> Activate licences on Evaluations, I am directed to an English-language server and all licences are marked as active there.

It seems to me that Sophos has a synchronisation problem. Unfortunately, I don't know what to do. Currently, only the packet filter is running and I urgently need help.

best regards

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  • Hello Vivek,

    I already know the guide. There is no connection error. But I had worked through the guide on the weekend anyway and everything was as it should be.

    +++SNIP tail -f /log/license.log +++

    INFO      Nov 21 08:53:03Z [4148430592]: --requestType = 2
    INFO      Nov 21 08:53:03Z [4148430592]: --lastCheckCode = 604aa55d-f5fd-4931-af5f-9b078dccc29b
    INFO      Nov 21 08:53:03Z [4148430592]: --cert = /content/licensing/lic_csr.pem
    INFO      Nov 21 08:53:03Z [4148430592]: --token = Token-Id:X13109KKBYDXVED
    INFO      Nov 21 08:53:03Z [4148430592]: --key = /content/licensing/lic_csr.key
    INFO      Nov 21 08:53:03Z [4148430592]: URL :
    INFO      Nov 21 08:53:04Z [4148430592]: response : {"trackingId":"5e9bbc76-5dfb-458c-b129-f8af1999a003","statusCode":200,"errorCode":"ITSERVICELAYER_SUCCESS","message":"License retrieved","data":{"contact":{"firstName":"Ronald","lastName":"Zestermann","email":"","city":"","state":"","company":"","country":"GERMANY","countryCode":"DE"},"deviceAttributes":[],"features":[{"feature":"BASE","featureDisplayName":"Appliance Base","licenseName":"XGS136","licenseKey":"L0014704859","status":"Active","startDate":"0001-01-01","expiryDate":"2999-12-31","type":"Purchased"},{"feature":"ESUP","featureDisplayName":"Enhanced Support","licenseName":"Xstream Protection","licenseKey":"L0010319350","status":"Inactive","startDate":"2022-11-28","expiryDate":"2025-11-27","type":"Purchased"},{"feature":"WEB","featureDisplayName":"Web Protection","licenseName":"Xstream Protection","licenseKey":"L0010319350","status":"Inactive","startDate":"2022-11-28","expiryDate":"2025-11-27","type":"Purchased"},{"feature":"NET","featureDisplayName":"Network Protection","licenseName":"Xstream Protection","licenseKey":"L0010319350","status":"Inactive","startDate":"2022-11-28","expiryDate":"2025-11-27","type":"Purchased"},{"feature":"SAND","featureDisplayName":"Zero-Day Protection","licenseName":"Xstream Protection","licenseKey":"L0010319350","status":"Inactive","startDate":"2022-11-28","expiryDate":"2025-11-27","type":"Purchased"},{"feature":"CORCH","featureDisplayName":"Central Orchestration","licenseName":"Xstream Protection","licenseKey":"L0010319350","status":"Inactive","startDate":"2022-11-28","expiryDate":"2025-11-27","type":"Purchased"},{"feature":"EMAIL","featureDisplayName":"Email Protection","licenseName":"Email Protection","licenseKey":"L0010319350","status":"Inactive","startDate":"2022-11-28","expiryDate":"2025-11-27","type":"Purchased"},{"feature":"WAF","featureDisplayName":"Webserver Protection","licenseName":"Webserver Protection","licenseKey":"L0010319350","status":"Inactive","startDate":"2022-11-28","expiryDate":"2025-11-27","type":"Purchased"}],"productAttributes":[],"signature":"-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\nDC9srLWSliHYjWq3iiM4CutY3Dd3TmJb+ebgLCnpcgT0ocgSXvIx2XLwWxTDVjczEBzJGiH2W/uy\r\nboXY2oNynsyk50kdLVSxzphiYV66JKqVE5VBL0SVUZ/b3IJ8dP2L8cYFO8SuvE7hj/jz4WcwIjLO\r\ntw/oWOcJxU2sL8u6nLO08UDKTZw7QGxnwBH9106imY8XM0oQr6NzzO08Mnlf0TX2ObvkXo8imh4s\r\ns8cAJvmNHWgzWNyQGqOSXTz87v3L3Bi3FtWHaW/Nu29xGn4SCzJ6/NVbdOI5+zZJAxsYuIgLqma+\r\nI35PbijTvXiSqyQo5Mu7eANEqBF8hBOyDDjVWA==\n-----END SIGNATURE-----\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nqHmcyZWqhlCJx ...
    INFO      Nov 21 08:53:04Z [4148430592]: license_check : License retrieved...
    INFO      Nov 21 08:53:04Z [4148430592]: Received these licenses 383

    +++ SNAP +++

    best regards


  • Pending means: The license is not valid right now. Seems like the new license starts at 27.11. 

    Start a trial to cover this license. 


  • Hey  ,

    Logs states license retrieved, so does it throw error ?

    Thanks & Regards,

    Vivek Jagad | Team Lead, Global Support & Services 

    Log a Support Case | Sophos Service Guide
    Best Practices – Support Case

    Sophos Community | Product Documentation | Sophos Techvids | SMS
    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Hello LuCar Toni,

    However, the fact that the licence was shown as "subscribed" on the English-language mySophos portal speaks against your assumption. Look at the screenshot above.

    Unfortunately, I cannot activate a trail. The button "Try now" on "mySophos" is unfortunately without function.

    best regards

  • This is a Sales problem. Sometimes, the license will be replaced and the new start date is in the future. If you cannot book it yourself, contact your partner/Sophos Sales to get a trial for 7 days. 

    I am certain, it is this problem. 


  • Hey  

    under the cd /content/licensing/
    are you able to see this two files ? lic_csr.key lic_csr.pem
    I performed a test in my appliance: 
    We can remove them #rm lic_csr.*
    SFVUNL_SO01_SFOS 18.5.4 MR-4-Build418# cd /content/licensing/
    SFVUNL_SO01_SFOS 18.5.4 MR-4-Build418# ls
    lic_csr.key lic_csr.pem
    SFVUNL_SO01_SFOS 18.5.4 MR-4-Build418# rm lic_csr.*
    SFVUNL_SO01_SFOS 18.5.4 MR-4-Build418# ls
    After this you can perform a synchronize option from Administration > licensing 
    SFVUNL_SO01_SFOS 18.5.4 MR-4-Build418# ls
    lic_csr.key lic_csr.pem

    Thanks & Regards,

    Vivek Jagad | Team Lead, Global Support & Services 

    Log a Support Case | Sophos Service Guide
    Best Practices – Support Case

    Sophos Community | Product Documentation | Sophos Techvids | SMS
    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Hello Vivek,

    For each extended function I get the following message in the web interface of the XGS136 (the Networkprotection is only exemplary here)

    "This function requires a subscription. It can be configured, but is only enabled with a valid network protection subscription."

    best regards


  • Hey  I agree with   I would request you to contact sales or customer care once !!

    Thanks & Regards,

    Vivek Jagad | Team Lead, Global Support & Services 

    Log a Support Case | Sophos Service Guide
    Best Practices – Support Case

    Sophos Community | Product Documentation | Sophos Techvids | SMS
    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Yes, the two files exist and I have deleted them. After synchronization both files were created again.

  • You were both right. I just looked under /log/applog.log:

    Nov 21 13:42:53Z REG STATUS :Inactive###Xstream Protection###L0010319350###2022-11-28###2025-11-27###Purchased

    Nov 21 13:42:53Z MODULE :web

    Nov 21 13:42:53Z apiInterface:: Deleting Entity and Event for legacy mode base operation

    Nov 21 13:42:53Z REG STATUS :Inactive###Xstream Protection###L0010319350###2022-11-28###2025-11-27###Purchased

    Nov 21 13:42:53Z MODULE :email

    Nov 21 13:42:53Z Request type = 1

    Nov 21 13:42:53Z apiInterface:versionsupported: true.

    Nov 21 13:42:53Z REG STATUS :Inactive###Email Protection###L0010319350###2022-11-28###2025-11-27###Purchased

    Nov 21 13:42:53Z MODULE :waf

    The licence is actually only valid from 28.11.22. This is unbelievable, because the dealer puts me off by saying that I should wait until Sophos has a solution. I am really pissed off.

    Many thanks to both of you.