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Too many inbound emails blocked by RBL check

Hello Community,
in the meantime, we are receiving more and more complaints from our customers that too many emails are no longer arriving.
I have noticed that many previously problem-free and unblocked emails are blocked by RBLs.
After I removed the RBLs, all "correct" emails come through again.
This problem first occurred about four weeks ago.
I am wondering why the RBLs are suddenly sporadically rejecting emails that have been coming through flawlessly for years.
Has anyone else here encountered such a problem?

Concerns various SOPHSO XG and XGS models.

Best regards


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  • yes, we are also facing this issue, but have no idea so far for a solution yet... I would also appreciate any suggestions

  • We just review our email policy sequence as workaround.

    manually blocked email and ip addresses will be placed on the top > create incoming and outgoing spam check > create accept all policy > RBL will be placed at the bottom.

    In lieu of RBL service, inbound and outbound spam check must be created and placed on top of accept all policy and use dual scanning on your web settings.

    I think there's a problem with all RBL services due to server exhaustion because email spams, phishing, and viruses/malware have a huge increase this year.