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Application control blocking websites


one of our customer was trying to browse " " but failed. I have allowed the fqdn and found nothing wrong logs in web filtering and application control logs. When i removed the application control, start getting the traffic.

Anyone can guide:

1. How to get the logs related to this issue.

2. How to allow "" in application control

Thanks in Advance

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  • Hi Kripasindhu Ghosh

    Thank you for reaching out to the community, Are you using Sophos XG as a proxy server?

    If yes please go to PROTECT--->Web--->General Settings under Web proxy configuration and add port 82 allowed destination ports


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    "Sophos Partner: Networkkings Pvt Ltd".

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  • Hi Kripasindhu Ghosh

    Thank you for reaching out to the community, Are you using Sophos XG as a proxy server?

    If yes please go to PROTECT--->Web--->General Settings under Web proxy configuration and add port 82 allowed destination ports


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    "Sophos Partner: Networkkings Pvt Ltd".

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.
