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SSL VPN client missing from user portal

A few days ago I was able to log in to the Sophos XG-210 firewall user portal to obtain the QR code to add the VPN account, and then log back in and get the SSL VPN client software with the config.

Now, there is no link to download the Windows SSL VPN software --- it just has SSL Connect. I've accidentally tried to install that in the past and it did not work for our VPN.

Did SSL VPN go away and get replaced by Sophos Connect?

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  • Thanks for the specific info on end-of-life. I was able to use the new client without too much trouble, but it definitely is not as user-friendly as the old one. It's hard to tell when you are connected (tiny green symbol on the icon), there is no option to break the connection, and it doesn't always show the current connected status. When I quit the Connect app, the VPN is still running! That seems odd and possibly a security issue. I'll have to find a venue for more feedback, that is just initial impressions. Appreciate the help in figuring out why the old client is gone.

  • Hello Mith,

    Thank you for the feedback, I will pass it down to PM as a feature request for future improvements.


    Emmanuel (EmmoSophos)
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