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SMTP no Policy_name none Sophos XG too many spams

Hello Community.

Sophos XG Firewall Firmware Version 18.5.3.

We have too many of False Positive, and false negatives.

The quality of Spam filtering is very poor. It is letting too many stupid emails go through.

Checking the Logs, there are random email without any check getting out.

It is on a very random base and I am not able to find any connection.

If someone has an idea??


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  • I have checked the other thread. It may the the same isssue.

    Lets see what the Patch update bring out. At this time the spam filter policy is not being applied, in my case, to many of the emails , and if it do, it filters the known servers. So I can say again, too many false Positive and false Negatives.

    But thanks for taking your time.