Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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LAG not working unless you specify interface speed

Is it a known issue, that an LAG will not work unless you specifiy the Interface speed at advanced settings on XG and XGS SFOS 18.5 MR2?

We've seen this on several HA clusters so far and each time we forgot, the LAG would be down unless you change the speed to something.

LAG will not work after creation with Auto Neg.

This work:

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Parents Reply
  • This is the point how to create a bootable USB stick with the ISO? There is not 18.5.3 or 18.5.2 ISO in the download portal. Only HW-19.0.0._GA-317.iso is available and some other installers for VM and Intel hardware.

    18.5.3 is only available as GPL source.Where do I get HW 18.5.2 or 18.5.3 ISO?
