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How to Allow one zone to another zone access


I want to access my access point which are in zone called B (ip range: and my computer are in another zone called A(ip range: now how I can access the access point from Zone A to Zone B. Please help me to setup firewall rule how to allow ..

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  • Hi,

    you would create a firewall rule source LAN -> ANY, destination LAN -> Any, Allow all and put it at the top of your rule list. Orif you want to be specific change the ANY to be the networks of both LANS and put both networks in the rule eg source LAN -> network a, Network B, destination -> Network A, Network B, allow all.


    XG115W - v20 GA - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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  • Thanks for your reply.

    1. I need only my pc can communicate with zone B.other no.

    2. If I put source : Zone A devices: my pc mac and destination source: zone B ,any ,any it will work???

    I need to create NAT ???

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