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Sophos XG Home throttling bandwidth

XG Home firewall is throttling my bandwidth. I was able to get ~900MB download on a speed test from my computer through the ISP modem (connected directly). When I was connected through my home router (wired) without the XG home firewall in the network I would get ~880MB download. When I put the XG firewall into the network I now get <300MB. I checked all the traffic shaping configurations that I could find, but I could never get it to where it should be. Is there any traffic shaping configuration that I missed or configured wrong? Thank you in advance for any assistance.

Protectli Vault FW2b

SFOS 18.0.6 MR-6-Build655

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Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    for home use the recommendation is the fastest CPU you can get without going above about i3, you don't need computational power. I use a XEON.


    XG115W - v20 GA - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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