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Can't register new XG firewall on Sophos central

Hi, I have a brand new XG 86 firewall and would like to register it before configuring it.

When i go to Firewall Management and then click on Add your firewall, i'm asked to choose if it's a new firewall or if it's already configured. I choose to add a new firewall, then i'm asked to enter the firewall's serial number. I enter the SN, click on next, then i'm told I need to register it no my MySophos account, which is automatically set to my Central account login (which has MySophos on it). 

I click on Register and proceed, it doesn't go through and shows an error message: '400: A bad request was made'.

How can I solve this ? i absolutely have to register firewall on central first, my company wants to deploy a bunch of firewalls in various locations and we can't afford to do it the classic way.

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Parents Reply
  • Hi there, i tried with another firewall and it worked, but it doesn't with this one. I have double-checked and to my knowledge this firewall is not registered with another account.

    I even tried to register it to  different Sophos Central account but it showed the same error message (400: A bad request was made).

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