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Sophos firewall application classification errors

Hi folks,

sometime in the last 6 weeks I started a thread on classification errors. I have been doing some further investigation and found thane was wrong and needed to be corrected. I have searched all my activities and not been able to find the initial post to correct the error.

Where has the post gone?

Classification errors

Streaming video is classified as infrastructure

NTP is classified as thunderVPN

A http access to an Apple site is classified as manual proxy surfing on IPv6

Some iMAPs traffic is unclassified.


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Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    the following screen shots are from my XG, today's report from yesterday and from the gui.

    If you study those reports you will notice there is not great consistency about infrastructure and streaming media analysis.

    Some of the issue might be caused by not installing a CA in the streaming media device, not possible so the packed inspection is superficial and streaming media is an exception to scanning.. Though the same issue is observed on devices with a CA installed.

    There is also a screenshot where the GUI does not provide any data.

    I hope the above helps with resolving the steaming media and infrastructure classification issues?


    XG115W - v20 GA - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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