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Noise level - XGS 107


I’ve got a client with a very quiet office where we have installed an XGS 107.  Even though it is in the closet, they can hear a whining noise from it that winds up every couple of seconds or so, and then down again.  I can hear it as well.  It is a very low volume, but penetrates somehow, if that makes sense.  In a server room or behind a heavy door it probably would not be noticeable.

This is my first XGS unit so I don’t know if this is normal.  I do know that I never heard this sound from any of the XG units I have deployed.   

my questions are;

had anybody else noticed this noise?

What is the likely source?  I can’t tell if it is a fan or HDD.  I would suspect that any drive is solid state, which would leave just fan.

Is this normal?  Might there be any settings I could tweak to reduce noise?  Possibly need an enclosure of some sort to dampen the noise?


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[edited by: emmosophos at 8:52 PM (GMT -7) on 3 Jun 2021]
[locked by: FloSupport at 6:57 PM (GMT -7) on 15 Jun 2022]
  • OK, confirmed that the noise is still present even after doing a full power disconnect from the power supply for 5 minutes.  I can try the OS re-load that Tony recommended, but would really prefer confirmation that it would, indeed, update the BIOS.  Better yet, is there a way to confirm which version of BIOS it's got so that we can see if it even matters?  Otherwise, any ideas for next steps?  

  • OK, confirmed that the noise is still present even after doing a full power disconnect from the power supply for 5 minutes.  I can try the OS re-load that Tony recommended, but would really prefer confirmation that it would, indeed, update the BIOS.  Better yet, is there a way to confirm which version of BIOS it's got so that we can see if it even matters?  Otherwise, any ideas for next steps?  
