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Silent Audio Calls

Hi I have a Sophos XG-125 (new deployment). I am having silent calls from one extension to another within the organization. SIP works fine as the call can be placed and received but the media isn't going through (RTP not somehow not flowing). I have tried both system system_modules sip load and system system_modules sip unload commands but there was no change. Anyone has a solution to this its really bugging me.

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  • so just to update you guys when I have all the phones in the same subnet as the voice server , calls go through and audio works both ways as well. However this is not a solution to my problem as I have A LOT of people using softphones which uses the PC/phones IP address (Data and Wifi Vlan) and because of this I still have the silent calls issue. Somebody , anybody please help

  • so just to update you guys when I have all the phones in the same subnet as the voice server , calls go through and audio works both ways as well. However this is not a solution to my problem as I have A LOT of people using softphones which uses the PC/phones IP address (Data and Wifi Vlan) and because of this I still have the silent calls issue. Somebody , anybody please help
