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Sophos XG106 with Allnet ALL4781-VDSL2-SFP instable

Hello community,

I am owning a Sohpos XG106 and the Allnet ALL4781-VDSL2-Modem. I plugged the device in, set it up as Gateway and entered the PPPoE credentials of my Telekom ISP including MTU 1492 and VLAN Tag ID 7.

The connection can be established and data can be received, Websites are opening.

After approx. 20 minutes, the modem disconnects and / or no data is transmitted anymore.

Has anybody experienced similar behavior? Is there something to look for?

I have tried three different TAE cable between the SFP-Modem and the telephone outlet. A FritzBox 7530 has no issues on the DSL connection.

The DSL Profile is 17a, which matches the specification.

Thanks for your support.

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  • Today I had a call with the VDSL modem manufacturer ALLNET and he gave me some hints to look for:

    • On longer distance use a quality LAN cable between the TAE and the SFP.
    • The SNR between the TAE socket and the DSLAM should be above 6db.
    • The ALLNET SFP VDSL2 modem takes a little more power than a "standard Gbit" SFP device. If there's not enough power, the voltage will suddenly drop and the connection is lost. Eventhough, the Sophos technical specs are addressing max 1,100ma with 3.3V, while the ALLNET consumes 700ma at 3.3V, the supporter on the phone spoke about 800ma. Nevertheless, the ALLNET specifications are within in the limits.
    • Last option, which only happened a very few times: The devices is getting too hot caused by a chip, which is place to close at the SFP port or by multiple SFP ports close to each other sharing heat.

    Before calling the Telekom service line tomorrow, is there any log a can head for to identify power errors at first?

  • Hello Matthias,

    Thank you for the information.

    You can check the syslog.log and netword.log (to some extent). But there’s not a specific log for power errors.

    In any case, the adapter you mentioned doesn't seem to be part of the Supported SPF by Sophos. Do you have an SKU if any?


    Emmanuel (EmmoSophos)
    Technical Team Lead, Global Community Support
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