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Central Email Gateway can't save verified domain

I wanted to test Email Gateway as AV on the XG is unreliable so in Sophos Central - Email Gateway I need to start by adding a verified domain. Verifying the domain is no problem, adding the Mail Host or MX all no problem. 

At first I tried on an IPad but the save button would not let me save the configuration. I then tried on a PC but I have the same issue. The browser on both the IPad and the PC are the latest version of Chrome. 

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  • Hi LuCar Toni,

    There is not much to see. A domain entered with the check behind it verified as the DNS txt records was read properly. 

    Underneath Dropdown Mail Host selected, the IP of the XG and the Port 25. In a screenshot I would mask the entries for safety. 

    Clicking save doesn't do anything. There is no error just no action. Clicking cancel of close works. I thought the IPad browser was the cause so I repeated it on a PC. Same situation.

    I tried with MX instead of Mail host. Same situation. There is no error.

     It is the first to be entered: Set up Email Security to start protecting your computers and mobile devices, to start a trial.
  • I tried again with the same settings and this time it worked. Maybe the system was busy this morning. 

  • I added more domains today. The issue is a small bug.

    When the IP address or host name is copied or auto filled into the destination field than the field turns a light blue. The check routine for correct syntax is not triggered and the check status remains unchecked. There is no error or notice. You can click save but nothing happens.

    You have to enter the value manually into the field to make sure the field turns white and than a save will work.  

  • System busy must also be an case. I managed to add most but now the last ones are no longer saved.  Inbound destination field is white. Will check again later today.