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[BUG] DROP Rule reporting Allowed connection in logs

I have this rule

And this is what the log looks like, the entire log doesn't fit but there is not a single droped connection on it. Why is this? Is a bug or what is the problem?

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  • Its a known behavior, which will be adjusted in the future releases. 

    The Reject/Drop Rule will forward the HTTP/s traffic to the proxy to drop this traffic. This is what you see, the Traffic will be forwarded to the proxy, the proxy will drop the traffic. Reference: NC-64820


  • Its a known behavior, which will be adjusted in the future releases. 

    The Reject/Drop Rule will forward the HTTP/s traffic to the proxy to drop this traffic. This is what you see, the Traffic will be forwarded to the proxy, the proxy will drop the traffic. Reference: NC-64820

