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Problem Sophos-Connect, but SSL-VPN-Client works fine

Hi there, we have a problem accessing our softphone with the Sophos Connect Client (IPSec). But it works with the Sophos SSL Client!

The Sophos Connect and SSL users are in one subnet ( The LAN is

Does routing still have to be set?

A ping from the LAN to the SSL VPN client works. No ping to the Sophos Connect client.

I also created a support ticket, but unfortunately I haven't received adequate help here since mid-December.

Does anyone know the problem?

We use SFOS 18.0.4 MR-4

many Greetings


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  • You should not use the same subnet range for both services. This can result to issues. Please use different subnet ranges. Both services are combined behind VPN zone, so you can use the zone VPN in firewall rules. 


  • You should not use the same subnet range for both services. This can result to issues. Please use different subnet ranges. Both services are combined behind VPN zone, so you can use the zone VPN in firewall rules. 

