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XG330 with Firmware Version SFOS 18.0.3 MR-3 rebooting randomly with intervals of a couple of houres

Hi Everyone,

Our XG330 with Firmware Version SFOS 18.0.3 MR-3 rebooting randomly with intervals of a couple of hours. I have raised the request with the Sophos team and provided all the necessary logs to them and now they said they will investigate it provide an update by the 20th Nov which almost a week away. We are facing this issue for the past three days and our entire production is down.

we are getting below error. Is anyone aware of the temporary workaround then please advise? I have already checked firewall-acceleration is disabled.

BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at fffffffffffffff8

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Parents Reply
  • Hi Emmanuel,

    Can you please update me about the progress because I have heard from GES last Friday and since then not heard anything. Also, is the DEV team already working to deploy the necessary patches to resolve the issue, and if yes then what are the timelines for the same.

    Request you to please try to expedite the process at your end because as I told you earlier our entire production is almost down for 7-8 days now.
