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Nordvpn appears to be incorrectly classified

Hi folks, 

nordvpn is not an application according sophos XG. If you use the URL check for it returns as information technology, where as the nordvpn site promotes VPN not much information technology.

With nordvpn missing from the application list means you now have a security hole in your firewall because it does not get blocked by the default VPN/tunnel etc profile. You will need to setup your own profile and hope that nordvpn do not start using servers in different domains.

sophos please address this mis classification urgently.


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Parents Reply
  • I use https decrypt and scan. If you have a firewall that is not using the proxy it will get through and nothing is registered.I have tightened all my rules and so far none required an additional exception or not using some of the other firewall features. The ability to use more checking in firewalls has only happened since mr3.

    I will setup a rule using dpi and see if that blocks it.


    XG115W - v20 GA - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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