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Convert LAN with VLAN into bridge and keeping VLAN settings

we have XG135 SFOS 17.5.14 with 1 WIFI AP (AccessPoint)

WIFI AP is connected to Port8 with 3 VLANs (Guest, Mobile, Work)

We want to put a new AP into Port7 and put it into our existing WIFI

my solution (not working)

I would like to convert Port8 into a new Bridge with Port7 and keep all settings but there is no option.

Have been testing with Port4 -> created multiple VLANs on Port4 -> create new Bridge Port4+Port5

This solution is not keeping IP, VLAN, WIFI settings.

Is there a better way to keep these settings or do you have to create all these setting from scratch?

Is this by design of VLAN/Bridge?

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