Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Switching Sophos UTM Home to XG Home


I am looking to figure out how to switch from Sophos UTM Home to Sophos XG Home. 

About a year ago I requested the Sophos UTM Home license and never installed it.  6 months ago I requested the Sophos XG Home license and installed but it only gave me a 30 day license that expired.

I want to remove the UTM and go with XG.  When I opened up a support case they said this is only for paid customers and that I should do everything through the forum here.



Here is what shows under the licensing portal

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  • This agent told me that the Sophos firewall license has been expired and will affect other services on the UTM machine/system (eg. Sophos expired license will brings down the operation of web services such as professional website server, ERP or PLM server that uses ip addresses for its service)  krogereschedule

  • This agent told me that the Sophos firewall license has been expired and will affect other services on the UTM machine/system (eg. Sophos expired license will brings down the operation of web services such as professional website server, ERP or PLM server that uses ip addresses for its service)  krogereschedule
