Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Poor SSL VPN performance when using TCP

Hello folks,


i am pretty disappointed with the SSL VPN performance on TCP connections. When using TCP i only get ~16 Mbit/s when copying files over SMB. With UDP the performance is much better and i get the full 50 MBit/s. This is not acceptable at all, since i always got the full performance with UTM on even slower hardware and i need to use TCP on some sites. I've tested this on multiple appliances with our customers (XG210, XG125, XG115 etc.) and it's always the same: TCP performance on SSL VPN is plain bad and there is no heavy load on the CPUs involved.


Is this a bug, or is the TCP SSL VPN performance really that bad compared to UTM?

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Parents Reply
  • Hello, Had and still have exact same issue with my users on XG210, was so bad (TCP SSL VPN: ~2Mbit/s), I had to migrate some users on VOIP via a separate OEM, prior escalations to Sophos support yielded Zero +ve results.

    Any idea if issue been fixed yet?
