Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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UTM9 to XG migration



I've been running UTM9 for a number of years now for my environment as a VM in ESX with great success.   Alas come to nearly 2020 and a proliferation of devices means that I've been hitting the 50 IP's pretty hard and its time to do something about it.   I decided to migrate to the Sophos XG to see if this will do the job for me.   After some initial teething issues with vlans on Port 1 which I worked around I have the XG up and running quite well for basic DMZ separation and access to the internet.

My Setup:

SophosXG VM (17.5.9 MR-9) running on ESXi

Port 1 - Out of Band Management

Port 2 - WAN (NBN Ethernet connection)

Port 3 - Vlans (mix of LAN and DMZ Scopes)

Port 4 - WAN (LTE Backup link)


I've fiddled around with the firewall and have some things functioning again inter DMZ but I'm not across it as well as I'd like yet and am lacking the tweaks I had on the UTM.


What I really need to setup and REALLY miss from the UTM9:


- Per vlan total interface bandwidth limitation and the ability to turn on and off a vlan easily.    I don't want to police all the types of traffic on a subnet and build QoS rules, i just want to limit the whole network to a given upload/download speed limit so one network can't consume my WAN (alas our internet isn't that great and limiting bandwidth per vlan makes it very usable).


- Per vlan time restrictions.  I cannot find a way to set custom time periods, only whats pre defined and thats not good enough.


Small aesthetic things are not being able to see per network/vlan traffic on the control center page, whilst there's a lot of information on some things I feel are lacking like this, I don't get a feel for whats going on in real time per network where as on the UTM I could see at a glance what network is pulling data up or down.  In the example here from my UTM9 you can see very easy that vlan66 and vlan67 which are limited to 3 Mbit down from the internet are busy :)  but overall we're only pulling 6 Mbit down through our NBN WAN connection and the LTE connection is in standby.'


Also is there a way to see reports/activity with hostnames/definitions rather than just IP?  I've defined a number of devices in DHCP scopes and Firewall rules and that works fine, but any reporting ignores that and shows a list of IP's which is a bit well, meh.? 


Any assistance on the overall vlan Bandwidth limiting would be MUCH appreciated.


Have a safe and Happy New Years eve :)

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  • Hi,

    check the GUI -> profiles fro setting up your own time based rules etc.

    For host names in reports you will need to create clientless users.

    For the network current activity reporting in realtime, join the queue.

    Also you might like to try v18 EAP.


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v21 GA

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Hello Ian,

    Thank for your reply.

    I did check the GUI -> Profiles and it didn't let me create a single spanning time period from 21:00 to 07:00 but I have worked around this by creating a 21:00 to 23:59 and a 0:00 to 07:00 which should do the job.   

    I was hoping to avoid having to fiddle with users as such and keeping it lower level with firewall rules and whole network blocks like I did with the UTM but I will look into this and experiment.

    Gotchya on the reporting in realtime, queued.

    I'm only new to the XG so i grabbed the latest release, wasn't aware of the EAP but I'll also have a looksee.

    Thanks again.




  • Thanks Ian,

    All good, the reporting is a nice to have and a minor issue.. Probably something that will be improved as time goes by.

    In getting prepped to install the 18 EAP, I unfortunately made a mistake and tried to use my existing UTM9 Home license with the XG and it failed telling me to get an XG Home license.  Alas though its now also grayed out the existing serial number field and I cant change it, nor is it registered properly.  I've submitted a support ticket.



  • Hi Terry,

    I will be surprised if you get an answer from support because home licence support is these forums.

    Just apply for a new home licence for the XG, it never expires, the only down side is you will have to re-install the XG software.


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v21 GA

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Yeah I guessed that would be the case so I've been attempting to build a new install of the XG with a home licence waiting.

    I'm having that initial problem that no matter what I do, I cannot get internet connectivity

    It installs as it should, gets a DHCP'd IP address on Port 2 (WAN) and DNS servers from my ISP but simply refuses to pass a packet.  The firewall is default and passing LAN to WAN but I get no connectivity alas. 

    I'm frustrated at the end of rebuilding an XG firewall 3 times over from scratch and getting the same result.  It's making the one that I got working (same process) with the now bung licence a bit of a fluke.

    EDIT:  Gonna give the 18 EAP a crack instead.



  • When you login into the console what settings do you see for the network?

    Also how many interfaces do you have installed? 


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v21 GA

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Just the defaults, nothing added or changed from the installer, so Port 1 with and Port 2 which has an DHCP'd IP from my ISP.  If its not working before I change or add anything theres something amiss.   I'm not a novice with any aspects of the setup, but either I'm missing something simple through frustration or theres a bug.    Experience tells me it's time to take a break and take a fresh look later.

    I've also got the 18 EAP3 release downloading right now so I might give that a go instead in a bit.

    Appreciate the assistance :).



  • EAP 3 is way better.

    When you unplug the ports do the lights go out or more correctly are the lights on. XG has a perverse way of numbering its ports, way different to the UTM.


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v21 GA

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • I think I'm done with this XG firewall, after numerous attempts to get one going again with 17 or the 18 version I cannot get it to connect to the internet.   The one successful build I made that actually works is ruined due to the licence problem with it and even if I clone and reset it (dud licence remains anyway), it doesn't work.  I've tried all sorts of normal things as well as some whacky configs but the same issue remains every time.   Port 2 connects, gets a DHCP assign IP, gateway and 2 DNS servers from my ISP.    Cannot ping gateway or anything else on the internet, dns of course doesnt work and whilst link is up its useless.    I can unplug the connection and plug it into a physical machine, Virtual UTM9 or the Working XG i have and its flawless...  I'm stumped and I think im going to roll back to the UTM9 and look for another solution alas.

    Thanks for your help Ian, i do appreciate it.

  • Hi,

    there is another thread in the XG forum of users having trouble with XG in a VM with suggested and working solutions.


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v21 GA

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Can you show us a screenshot of your vmware Ports?

    Please login as admin / admin into the shell on vmware and go to advanced shell (Option 5, Option 3).

    Use ifconfig to see all ports.

    Compare the MACs of ifconfig with vmware, if both interfaces are actually the same.



  • Righto, It's been a few days and I have found out what was going wrong and have Sophos XG SF01V (SFOS 18.0.0 EAP3) licenced and running on ESXi perfectly.   I thought I should come back and fill in the story.

    After 5 or so complete re-installs and configures of XG 17 and 18 and the same issue occurring with no WAN connectivity I moved onto trying another product.  This time I had problems installing it due to the age of my ESXi server so I bit the bullet and did a complete ESXi re-install and setup everything nice and fresh.  I could now install the product but lo and behold, it did exactly the same thing with no WAN connectivity!!   Clearly this was a local issue, not Sophos XG.   After a lot of double double checking all my network/vlan configuration on physical and virtual switches and not finding fault I googled a lot more in frustration.

    The interesting thing was that the WAN worked perfectly with my existing virtual UTM9 and did once with the SophosXG 17 install.   What it come down too was something I had not experienced before but people warned of was that some ISP's hold the MAC reservation on the connection for some time so if you swap from 1 device to another it simply won't work.  The solution was to simply unplug the WAN Ethernet cable and take a 10 minute break between switching the WAN from 1 device to another (I would guess possibly moving the MAC address from 1 VM to another would work too).   I've done this successfully several times now and it's flawless.

    So the issue was me switching the WAN too quickly from firewall to firewall whilst testing, a simple gotchya.

    The great thing is that I now have my ESX infrastructure all updated, a SophosXG 18 up and running and licenced and it all working off 2 NIC's Port 1 all my local vlans and Port 2 WAN working perfectly.

    Thank you for your assistance and efforts and I'm writing this followup to possibly help someone else in the future.  I'd be happy to assist others with a similar setup if anyone has any questions.

    PS.  The only drama I had so far was that the IPS settings stopped my son's PS4 connecting to the Playstation Network, resolved by turning off IPS.

  • Righto, It's been a few days and I have found out what was going wrong and have Sophos XG SF01V (SFOS 18.0.0 EAP3) licenced and running on ESXi perfectly.   I thought I should come back and fill in the story.

    After 5 or so complete re-installs and configures of XG 17 and 18 and the same issue occurring with no WAN connectivity I moved onto trying another product.  This time I had problems installing it due to the age of my ESXi server so I bit the bullet and did a complete ESXi re-install and setup everything nice and fresh.  I could now install the product but lo and behold, it did exactly the same thing with no WAN connectivity!!   Clearly this was a local issue, not Sophos XG.   After a lot of double double checking all my network/vlan configuration on physical and virtual switches and not finding fault I googled a lot more in frustration.

    The interesting thing was that the WAN worked perfectly with my existing virtual UTM9 and did once with the SophosXG 17 install.   What it come down too was something I had not experienced before but people warned of was that some ISP's hold the MAC reservation on the connection for some time so if you swap from 1 device to another it simply won't work.  The solution was to simply unplug the WAN Ethernet cable and take a 10 minute break between switching the WAN from 1 device to another (I would guess possibly moving the MAC address from 1 VM to another would work too).   I've done this successfully several times now and it's flawless.

    So the issue was me switching the WAN too quickly from firewall to firewall whilst testing, a simple gotchya.

    The great thing is that I now have my ESX infrastructure all updated, a SophosXG 18 up and running and licenced and it all working off 2 NIC's Port 1 all my local vlans and Port 2 WAN working perfectly.

    Thank you for your assistance and efforts and I'm writing this followup to possibly help someone else in the future.  I'd be happy to assist others with a similar setup if anyone has any questions.

    PS.  The only drama I had so far was that the IPS settings stopped my son's PS4 connecting to the Playstation Network, resolved by turning off IPS.
