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XG 135 random reboots



I have a XG 135 running SFOS 17.5.8 MR-8 and it has very recently started to randomly auto reboot during the day. It has happened twice now on two separate occasions.

All I can see in the logs is that the device has started, and no reason given for the sudden reboot, and all statistics eg under Firewall Rules have reset to zero?

Anyone else experiencing this?


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Parents Reply Children
  • No I do not think so. And I doubled the ram to 8 gig.  before would reboot every 3-4 days and then with the 8 gig about 8 days.  Not sure what else can be done on this. 

  • Also it an XG 106 in a home with very little going on except ankle biters knocking at the door quite a bit. 7/24 > Did not realize was on MR-1 and just updated to MR-2.  See if that hopefully causes it to stop. Memory is holding at 24% of the 8 gig.


    8/3   Think it is fixed with the two recommendations earlier and mr-2 that I had missed.  Seems like always had a message if there was an update? when logging into the router.