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Authenticate AD Azure in SOPHOS

Hello Team,

I need your help please.
Is there any way to authenticate in Sophos AD Azure Users.
I have a hybrid infrastructure, with users in AD Onpermise and in AD Azure.
I was able to authenticate user in my AD Onpermise to access VPN Through Sophos but I do not know what to do regarding AD Azure Users.

Thank you for your help.

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Parents Reply
  • Hey Kresimir,

     answer from sophos support:

    "I got this discussed with my Senior team and I regret to inform but Authentication is not supported on WAN Zone as of now on the XG Firewall.

    But as a workaround, you can create an IPSec Tunnel and then use Authentication."

     So you have to create a vnet in azure with azureadomain-service, vm windowsserver (join domain & install ad-tools), gateway & vpn.



  • Hi all,

    We've managed to get this to work properly.

    Trick is that you need to properly parse bind and base DNs. Bind DN must be spelled without base DN.

    Bind DN user must be in format like this: CN=ldapbind,OU=AADDC users 

    Base DN must be in format like this: OU=contoso,OU=com


    Hope this will solve your problem.


    Best regards,
