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Authenticate AD Azure in SOPHOS

Hello Team,

I need your help please.
Is there any way to authenticate in Sophos AD Azure Users.
I have a hybrid infrastructure, with users in AD Onpermise and in AD Azure.
I was able to authenticate user in my AD Onpermise to access VPN Through Sophos but I do not know what to do regarding AD Azure Users.

Thank you for your help.

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Parents Reply
  • We can connect to Azure AD with LDAPs with Anonymous. Bind DN worked as well. If we Chose the authentication with credentials (it doesn‘t work).

    Login in the User Portal with an AD User is not possible.

    After a call with Sophos technician today they will check if LDAPs via WAN works.

    Jess, may be you could give me some more Information how do you realized the Connection with ldaps. Do you use a VPN to the Azure Network.


