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SOPHOS XG - Virtual Firewall - High SWAP Usage

Hey all,


I was doing some revisions on one of my clients firewall, currently he has a Virtual Sophos XG Firewall with the next  hardware stats according to VMware implementation:

According with the revisions, i observed that the webadmin diagnostics graphics not shows the RAM utilized resources correctly vs the resources showed on CLI:


According to the reports, the firewall is using about 90 ~ 95% RAM resources, and the webadmin shows that the firewall is using about 20 ~ 30%, which i find quite strange and therefore I do not find reliable such information shown through webadmin.

Besides, we're quite worried about the SWAP usage, because we've some issues with this, like, Networking module stop functioning correctly, mostly the port forwarding stops working.


About a week we did a reboot and the SWAP starts to 0% but it increase time to time until reach the 60% of utilization and increasing day by day.


Could someone help me with some documentation, procedure or some way of solving it ?, because I escalated the case to sophos support, but they did not help me at all an then they close the case.


Waiting for your early reply.


Best regards!



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  • XG is based on Linux. 

    And Linux uses the RAM not like Windows.

    So basically free ram is wasted RAM. So it will try to use everything, even the SWAP. 


  • Thanks for the reply!.

    My question are two about this

    1.- Why the Webadmin shows a incorrect report of the used resourced, the ram used not shows correctly, this makes me think that the GUI report is not reliable. In the RAM Graphic attached shows about 30% used, but on CLI shows 90% used. and SWAP about 60% (increasing day by day, from 0% to 60% in one week).




    2.- I know that Linux not touch the SWAP until the RAM is used about the 95%, and the SWAP used here increased day by day even though doing a reboot!.

    This is a headache because this firewall has presented issues on the port-forwarding until the reboot, GUI shows very slow and so on.

    Best regards!

  • Thanks for the reply!.

    My question are two about this

    1.- Why the Webadmin shows a incorrect report of the used resourced, the ram used not shows correctly, this makes me think that the GUI report is not reliable. In the RAM Graphic attached shows about 30% used, but on CLI shows 90% used. and SWAP about 60% (increasing day by day, from 0% to 60% in one week).




    2.- I know that Linux not touch the SWAP until the RAM is used about the 95%, and the SWAP used here increased day by day even though doing a reboot!.

    This is a headache because this firewall has presented issues on the port-forwarding until the reboot, GUI shows very slow and so on.

    Best regards!
