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AnyConnect 4.0.07x support



Cisco has upgraded its mobile client to AnyConnect 4.0.07x. How can I configure it with Sophos Mobile Control Server version: 7.0.10 (rev 9932)?


Thanks in advance

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  • We are looking for the same.   Now that CISCO supports per app vpn with the updated client.    Unfortunately after downloading and pushing out the profile.   It does not accept the config from Sophos Mobile Control.    We are very interested in using the per app vpn now that it is fully supported.    Will there be an update to SMC or is there a special config to use this feature?


  • We are looking for the same.   Now that CISCO supports per app vpn with the updated client.    Unfortunately after downloading and pushing out the profile.   It does not accept the config from Sophos Mobile Control.    We are very interested in using the per app vpn now that it is fully supported.    Will there be an update to SMC or is there a special config to use this feature?


  • Hi All,

    this issue is caused by Cisco.
    They have released a new app and called the old one "Legacy AnyConnect".

    The profile configured within SMC still works with that "Legacy" app.

    To get it working with the new app, please follow this KBA describing a workraround.
    With the release of SMC 7.1 a new option within the VPN setting will exist covering both Cisco apps.

    Best regards
