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Undefined Communication Error

Hello Everybody,

i have just installed the latest version of SMC and configured Settings, Profiles etc. as named in die Administration Guide.

Whem i'm trying to active a Device via Mobile Control App (Android and iOS) the app says that there's an undefined communication error - directly after scanning the QR Code or typing the credentials manually. Theres no Error-Code or something.

Has anyone an idea what i could have done wrong?

Thanks a lot

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  • Hi Matthias

    Try this

    1. Log in to the Sophos Mobile Control web console with a super administrator account
    2. Go to "Setup | System setup"
    3. Switch to the "SSL" tab
    4. Press the "Auto-discover certificate(s)" button
    5. The Sophos Mobile Control server tries to detect all SSL certificates involved in the connection. The certificates should be listed after pressing the button.
      If the Sophos Mobile Control server cannot resolve the external URL (for whatever reason), you have to manually upload the certificates, which will presented to the Sophos Mobile Control clients. Certificates which should be uploaded have to be in the .der or .cer format.
    6. Save the changes
    7. Try the registration of the mobile device again

    Please note: If your certificates change, you have to update them as well using the procedure above.



  • Hello,

    I have running self generated certificate on my server and it will expire after few years. I would like to replace it with new actual certificate generated by trust authority and it is wildcard such like * When I open execute 1 to 5 incl. import of .cer file I have two lines certificates. The first one is the self generated, the second one - trusted wildcard.

    When I delete the self-generated and save, the server continue to use it, even in the menu is visible only the trusted one.

    Do you have any advice how to proceed in order to have the only trusted certificate.



  • Hello,

    I have running self generated certificate on my server and it will expire after few years. I would like to replace it with new actual certificate generated by trust authority and it is wildcard such like * When I open execute 1 to 5 incl. import of .cer file I have two lines certificates. The first one is the self generated, the second one - trusted wildcard.

    When I delete the self-generated and save, the server continue to use it, even in the menu is visible only the trusted one.

    Do you have any advice how to proceed in order to have the only trusted certificate.



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