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Enrolling Device after latest update on app

I am not able to enroll new devices to sophos MDM after the latest update on Sophos mobile control app which was on 15th July. Did anyone enroll a device lately? We have binded to Gsuite and enforced Emm settings from Gsuite such that when email entered from initial set up, sophos is installed and all the configurations are followed from then. But now from 16th i am not able to enroll new device. 

I have even tried with afw#sophos. Same thing happens. Configuration is not completed and the app which is installed crashes when tried to open on both cases. 

Any Idea??? 

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  • We are having a similar issue. Enrolling Android Mobile devices using afw#sophos to utilise Android Enterprise. Once the initial setup is complete, I am left with a device that has the Sophos Mobile app, but when I try to open it, It closes straight away. Im not able to proceed with scanning the QR Code.




  • Hi,

    is the issue still occurring on your devices? We ran several tests and it worked fine so far.
    If the issue still persists, what devices are you using?

    Best regards


  • Hello Stefan


    The two devices that I have tried are:

    Samsung Galaxy A3

    LG K9


    Both do exactly the same thing. After a factory reset, setting the account as afw#sophos, setting device ownership to Sophos etc, I get to the stage where the phone is at its home screen. I click the Sophos app and then it closes down instantly.




  • Same here trying with Samsung Galaxy A5. After several tries to start the Sophops control app Google Play has logged out and wants me to login again. Email address is set to "Android Enterprise" but it tells me it's a wrong address. Can't change it.

    Regards, Jelle

    Sophos XG210-HA (SFOS 18.0.4) on SG210 appliances with Sandstorm and 1x AP55
    Sophos Central with Intercept X Advanced, Device Encryption, Phish Threat, Mobile Control Advanced

    If a post solves your question use the 'This helped me' link.

  • Worked on Samsung Galaxy XCover 4.

    Difference between both devices:

    Galaxy XCover 4: Android 8.1 (works)

    Galaxy A5: Android 7.0 (doesn't work)


    Could it be the Android version?

    Regards, Jelle

    Sophos XG210-HA (SFOS 18.0.4) on SG210 appliances with Sandstorm and 1x AP55
    Sophos Central with Intercept X Advanced, Device Encryption, Phish Threat, Mobile Control Advanced

    If a post solves your question use the 'This helped me' link.

  • That's definitely feasible yes. Both devices that I have checked are running Android 7.0 with no upgrade bath to 8.0 indicated by the handset manufacturers.


    Ill need to locate a device within our environment here that has Android 8.0 installed.





  • Hi ,

    do you have any hints on this regarding Android 7.0?

    Regards, Jelle

    Sophos XG210-HA (SFOS 18.0.4) on SG210 appliances with Sandstorm and 1x AP55
    Sophos Central with Intercept X Advanced, Device Encryption, Phish Threat, Mobile Control Advanced

    If a post solves your question use the 'This helped me' link.

  • Yes. We are using Huawei Mediapad T3 10 Tablets in our schools. I even tried on a Xiomi mobile phone. Android version is 7.0 with EMUI 5.1.2. 

    I would like to how you are enrolling the device. Is it using afw#sophos on initial set up or any other method? 

  • Yes, tried with afw#sophos. I don't want to set up a container on the device.

    Regards, Jelle

    Sophos XG210-HA (SFOS 18.0.4) on SG210 appliances with Sandstorm and 1x AP55
    Sophos Central with Intercept X Advanced, Device Encryption, Phish Threat, Mobile Control Advanced

    If a post solves your question use the 'This helped me' link.

  • FYI... We've got the same problem with our UK EE LG K9s... We installed one of the handsets on the 4th of July and it was fine, trying to do it now and it just won't do it at all.

    The phones are the same down to the latest May security update...

    Looking at the Google Play store, the Sophos Mobile Control app was 'updated' on the 15th of July? Could there be a problem in the app?

    I'm currently in an online chat with support and I've also submitted a ticket for the problem.