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Sophos scanning does not provide confidence...

Im running Sophos Mobile Security 8.6.2880(24) after trying many others and this seems to be the best at malware prevention but when it comes to manual and scheduled scanning, I never know where I am at in terms of scanning progression and what's being scanned when I hit scan, or with scheduled scan it doesn't tell me that all apps have been scanned but provides a notification that an app or two have been scanned, it's very confusing.


Also I get random scans of 1 or 2 apps every now and then which don't seem to be tied to my scheduled scan of every 3 days and also auto updating of playstore apps is turned off so I am unsure why Sophos is randomly scanning a couple apps and telling me they are clean?

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  • Hi  

    As of now, it is not possible to view the progress of the scan. If you wish to see this feature in the future releases of the product, please submit a feature request.

    Which applications are scanned during the scheduled scans and manual scans will be present in the logs generated by the application. However, if something malicious is found, it will be shown in the notifications bar. 

    AFAIK, the 1 or 2 applications which are scanned randomly might be scanned as Sophos might have received new virus definitions and the live protection feature of the product might scan those couple of applications with the new data. 

    Yashraj Singha
    Manager | Global Community Support
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  • Hi  

    As of now, it is not possible to view the progress of the scan. If you wish to see this feature in the future releases of the product, please submit a feature request.

    Which applications are scanned during the scheduled scans and manual scans will be present in the logs generated by the application. However, if something malicious is found, it will be shown in the notifications bar. 

    AFAIK, the 1 or 2 applications which are scanned randomly might be scanned as Sophos might have received new virus definitions and the live protection feature of the product might scan those couple of applications with the new data. 

    Yashraj Singha
    Manager | Global Community Support
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