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Sophos Mobile 8.5 portal not responding and Java process high CPU usage

Hi everybody,

My Sophos Mobile Customers have problem, when try to access SSP or Admin portal. When I started digging in to this problem, I saw high CPU usage (more than 65% of CPU) on Java process in Sophos Mobile server. When I restart Sophos Mobile Service everything works good, and Java process uses only 5-10 % of CPU. How I can troubleshoot this issue? TThis Issue started after Sophos Mobile Server upgrade from 8.1 to 8.5

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  • Hello,

    how much CPU and RAM has your server? 

    We had only one vCPU in our SMC- VM, which causes performance issues.

    After upgrading from one to two vCPUs, the performance issue was gone. 

    Additionally we had issues with our mcafee virus scan engine. The "on access scanner" scanned the java processes resulting in high cpu usage too. 


    Best regards



  • Thanks for answer. I'll try with antivirus "on access scanner".

  • Our SMC - VM, has 8 vCPU and 16 GB of RAM.

    Antivirus did not help to solve this problem.

    This issue first I had after updating SMC from 8.1 to 8.5.

    The Java utilization of CPU decrease after restarting Sophos Mobile Service.

  • After same digging in logs (status.log) I have found error like this:

    <...>Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace

  • I get this solution from Sophos Support:

    Please open the following file on the SMC server with a text editor:% MDM_HOME% \ wildfly \ bin \ standalone.conf.bat
    - Search for -XX: MaxMetaspaceSize = 256m
    - Set the value from 265 to 384 
    - Save the configuration and restart the server completely

    My question was that I can set more than 384m, Sophos Support asnwer was:

    "<..>384m is the recommendation from our developers and you just need to make sure that not too much resources are wasted. <..> However you can set the value to 512m without any issues <..>"