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Can get access to google play store after binding to sophos mobile, no applications found it says administrator not authorized but i have appoved all aps.

 Can get access to google play store after binding to sophos mobile, no applications found it says administrator not authorized but i have appoved all aps.


please help help me find a solution.


thank you

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  • Here is a brief : now that FRP issue is resolved but all other issues are still not resolved. When a device is enrolled to sophos, a user can't see any approved apps in playstore. Nor we can allow them to see any apps, there are no such settings to turn playstore on for the users. Without this features we can use sophos to manage mobile devices.

    If you could check these features on your own it would be better to understand what exactly I am trying to say here.

    Please check this issue by practicing it on your own. Without practicing it on your own you wouldn't understand a thing I am saying here.

    Thank you

    Atleast I have got your reply a decade's later

  • trying to work out what you mean from your post and comment. i may not fully understand but here goes..... so you have enrolled an android device and when you open the google play store there is nothing displayed, is that correct?

    has the device been enrolled with AFW or android enterprise? if so this creates a second play store, to populate apps in this store you need to link the Android enterprise option with system setup on a customer container, once linked you can approve apps for the droid enterprise app store and they are then visible in the second play store i mentioned above.

    this is a forum so people will reply when they read and get chance, if you want an SLA to your question i would log this with sophos support.