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Sophos Tenant Map to Locations

Wondering if there is a way or something in the roadmap to add mapping Automate Locations to Sophos Tenants?

We have multiple clients that have Seperated Locations and each of those are separated in Sophos as a different Tenant.

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  • The Connectwise Automate Plug-in Logic is designed to match the Connectwise Client to the Sophos Central Tenant. If the Customer is listed in Connectwise as multiple Clients, but Sophos Central has everything all in a single Tenant. We won’t be able to follow that structure in the plug-in as that would be a Many to One relationship. This isn't something that we have for a roadmap addition at this time.
  • Is there a way to map multiple Sophos Tenants to one Automate Client?

    In Automate I have:

    - Client

       - Location

       - Location

    I have the Locations as different Tenants in Sophos.

    Still the Many to One but in the other direction then what you explained above.

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